Thursday 19 June 2008

Hubby Offered Winehouse's Cash As Bribe, It's Claimed

Amy Winehouse's husband was really quite a catch.

It has come out in court that hubby, Blake Fielder-Civil, tried to pay off a bar tender he beat up -- using Amy's money!

Blake and a friend broke their victim's cheek bone in a brutal attack, and later offered him around $390,000 (�200,000) not to show up to give evidence against them, according to a court report in Britain's Daily Mail.

And where would a waster like Blake, 26, get that kind of cash? Out of his rich wife's purse, of course!

Blake, who is serving time for both the assault and the failed scheme, was caught trying to sabotage the case when a middle man they hired to arrange the deal sold the story to a British tabloid.

It was claimed in a London court yesterday, where the bar tender is being tried for his part in the deal, that Blake planned to use the Grammy-winner's money for the bribe.

A prosecutor told the court that in October 2007, when a reporter from the paper asked the go-between if Amy, 24, was involved in the plan, he said: "Who do you think is paying for it?"

And all this just six months after they got married!

Amy has already been cleared of knowingly taking part in the scheme.

See Also